Thursday, April 30, 2020

On Rewatching

One of the more fulfilling experiences I've had with a TV series in the past few years came from a rewatch of Arrested Development's unfairly maligned fourth season. As someone who loved the first two seasons of the show but felt a certain weariness for most of the third, I had initially approached the fourth with some trepidation. From my dim recollection, I remember liking it the first time, with the notable caveat that I found the show drastically increasing in quality as it went along. This time around, I loved it from the beginning, and indeed much of the greatness of the fourth season comes from its inherent rewatchability. The structure only becomes funnier when the viewer is already aware of it, the constant recursiveness of each main character experiencing their mishaps mirroring the essential sense of farcical doom that the series could capture at its best. I haven't seen the chronological, conventional recut, but I'd doubt that any configuration could be as funny as the gradual revelation of every single main character in Lucille's apartment through the course of the series.

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