Monday, January 27, 2020

Impeachment Trial

How and when and where are folks watching the impeachment trial? I've been bouncing between CNN and C-SPAN, primarily, both supplemented heavily by the News App on my iPhone. What's interesting to me is how congress has dictated the terms and conditions of the audiovisual material access, and it's then up to networks to represent it (or not) as they wish. Quickly, C-SPAN seems disinterested in adding any additional material of their own. They have provided hotlines for people of varying political affiliations to call in during recesses and opine or ask questions equally; and, to that end, they seem to be using television as a cooler medium than say, any of the cable news networks who employ graphics akin to those we see during professional sports telecasts. Doubling down on that is endless, fervent punditry and opinion hawking. For better or worse, they seem to be cooking up the material from congress to make television news something of a hotter medium — more intense and directed, with less room or need to fill in the blanks. As I understand it, Fox News did not air the Democrats' opening arguments live. I'm curious to hear what other people have been observing...

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